Yes, I have been exercising

Monday, February 26, 2007

my legs are sore!

I am beginning to see how this running is taking a toll on my body. I am so incredibly tired these days. I can hardly stay awake through a movie and I hit snooze a half a dozen times each morning. On Sunday, my only day to sleep in, I think I slept for about 13 hours. Man alive! Although, I do try and think of the positives. For instance, not going out on the weekends gives me a bit of extra cash. We all know the difference that an extra $5 in the wallet makes. Now, I can finally afford that extra pair of headphones. (Does anyone actually use those i-pod earbuds for long distances?)

Well I ran the full 6 miles on Saturday. And I did that with one less layer of clothing. Ahhh, those little signs that spring is on the way :) On Sunday, I confronted my comfy, cozy couch laziness head on and forced myself to the gym for another 3 miles.

Now the countdown is on: only 4 more runs until I leave for Florida!!!

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