Yes, I have been exercising

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I took advantage of the opportunity to work out before heading out of town for the new year celebrations and it was excellent! I ran for about three miles at a steady pace. The gym lost power temporarily, causing the treadmills to shut down, but I started mine back up and kep chugging along. I was going to run a bit farther but I figured since I'd be finishing up with weights that I would actually like to be able to walk afterwards. I completed a round of exercises in the gym's 30 minute zone. I maxed out on a few different upper body sets. Then I grabbed the free weights and just got in the zone: plie squats with weights (3 sets), backward stepping lunges with weights (2 sets), curls back rows, chest press, and on and on. I am very proud of the effort level I gave. Hopefully I can stay on track and make some time for exercise while going out of town, even for just a refreshing walk outdoors!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Frazzled holidays

It's frustrating to find enough hours in our day for all that we hope to do. Sure, we could probably get by on four hours of sleep a night if we want to make the time to work a 40 hour week and do everything else that needs to be done. But four hours of sleep is not realistic, at least for me. And if it is for you, I think you're not being honest. During the holidays we are shopping and cutting food for appetizers and wrapping presents and packing for out of town getaways. It seems that people have no problem pushing exercise to the side. Don't do this! Don't be one of those people who takes two weeks off. Don't save your best sweating sessions for January after the candy dishes have been cleaned out. My motto has always been to exercise when you have the opportunity. Notice the difference between the words opportunity and time.

I strongly believe that we'll want to finally exercise when there really is no time at all so if you can carve out a few minutes or hours, then do it! The last exercise I managed was a three mile run on Christmas eve. It looks as if this Monday might be my last opportunity before going out of town for new year's celebrations. I have to revel in it. I have to maximize my time. I have to take advantage.

Sure I could shrug it off. I could tell myself there's no point in exercising if I only have one shot in a week of busy days. That's crap. It is at least one shot. It's one opportunity to burn off a few chocolate covered nuts or glasses of wine.

But as I've said before the goal of exercising is not to simply lose five pounds or fit into some skinny jeans. It's for the deeper therpaeutic and mental health benefits. It's about taking an hour or two for yourself. It's about your own sanity. If you want to keep it, you have to make it a priority. Don't start the new year on the heels of one month where you hated your decisions.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2 Down, 33 To Go!

I had my second yoga class last night. I'm so lucky I get to be drenched in sweat in a 105 degrees room because it was snowing fierce in Plymouth. My car needed to be brushed free of snow and I'd only been in the class for 90 minutes. That's winter. And it's so much more enjoyable with a Bikram yoga pass.

I missed working out on Monday because of a dentist appointment, but I did have a great workout over the weekend. On Saturday morning I ran 4.5 miles and I did a vigorous round of upper-body weights (3 sets for each exercise). That was a tremendously great way to go into the weekend.

It gets hard to make the time duing the holidays. Even today I have a haircut appt so I won't be working out. Guess I will have to give my all on Thursday when I make it to the gym. That's all we can do–make the best effort when we get the opportunity, and not beat ourselves up when the opportunity isn't there.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Could you pass up this offer?

My new employer, Plante & Moran, offers an athletic reimbursement. They pay 50 percent of costs up to $200 per year. I needed to apply by December 31 to get my reimbursement for this year, so I signed up for a yoga package. Normally the Bikram classes are $15 for one class. When you buy in bulk, you get a greater savings. When you buy in bulk at the time of a special promotion, you get an even greater savings. And when you do all this while your company takes on half the costs, well it is too good of a deal to pass up. The internet offer added five free classes to the usual package of 30 classes for $300. In the end, I make out like a bandit. I will end up paying $150 for 35 classes, that's about $4.30 for each class. I am so excited about this. It's an interesting challenge. How will I feel after going to 35 yoga classes? Will there be a noticeable difference? Will I become addicted? Will my back problems disappear? I am feeling enthusiastic about this adventure.

Jingle Bell run

On Sunday morning I was up at 7:30 a.m. to get ready for the race in Northville. With windchill, the temperature felt like five degrees. That meant lots of layers and a hearty bowl of oatmeal. At least it was a very sunny day even if slush and snow coated the course. During the first mile, I thought my toes would blacken and fall off. By the time they adjusted, I realized my fingers were numb. Then when the race was just about over, I realized I was comfortable dressed for the long haul. I finished the 3.2 miles in 33:33. Not a bad time at all! Happy Holidays