Yes, I have been exercising

Monday, December 29, 2008

Frazzled holidays

It's frustrating to find enough hours in our day for all that we hope to do. Sure, we could probably get by on four hours of sleep a night if we want to make the time to work a 40 hour week and do everything else that needs to be done. But four hours of sleep is not realistic, at least for me. And if it is for you, I think you're not being honest. During the holidays we are shopping and cutting food for appetizers and wrapping presents and packing for out of town getaways. It seems that people have no problem pushing exercise to the side. Don't do this! Don't be one of those people who takes two weeks off. Don't save your best sweating sessions for January after the candy dishes have been cleaned out. My motto has always been to exercise when you have the opportunity. Notice the difference between the words opportunity and time.

I strongly believe that we'll want to finally exercise when there really is no time at all so if you can carve out a few minutes or hours, then do it! The last exercise I managed was a three mile run on Christmas eve. It looks as if this Monday might be my last opportunity before going out of town for new year's celebrations. I have to revel in it. I have to maximize my time. I have to take advantage.

Sure I could shrug it off. I could tell myself there's no point in exercising if I only have one shot in a week of busy days. That's crap. It is at least one shot. It's one opportunity to burn off a few chocolate covered nuts or glasses of wine.

But as I've said before the goal of exercising is not to simply lose five pounds or fit into some skinny jeans. It's for the deeper therpaeutic and mental health benefits. It's about taking an hour or two for yourself. It's about your own sanity. If you want to keep it, you have to make it a priority. Don't start the new year on the heels of one month where you hated your decisions.

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