Yes, I have been exercising

Friday, February 9, 2007

a day for my legs to relax

Yesterday I was lucky enough to get out of the gym for my run. I visited my friend Rachel and used the tm at her house. It was a nice change of pace. Although, with most things new and unfamiliar, I think the different machine took some mental adjusting. I ran the 3 miles, but I did slow down for two walking breaks. While I would have liked to push through, I should be happy that I even did anything while visiting my friend for an overdue girl's night. Plus, my poor quadriceps are really sore. Today's day of rest is definitely needed.

Tomorrow is my first five miles out at Kensington at 8am. The feels like temperature looks to be above 0 degrees. How balmy (not). Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck!
I bet you have olympian legs right now, don't you. B*tch. love u. ~S.