Yes, I have been exercising

Thursday, February 8, 2007

figuring out the kinks

I ran for two miles outside when had listed the feels like temperature to be -1. I did my run in about 21 minutes so I wasn't out there long enough to worry about frostbite, hypothermia or my lungs freezing---the things which nonrunners fear.

I've come to the conclusion that my current neck warmer/mouth-and-nose guard is not working efficiently. I either have to run with my eyes downcast in order to keep it from slipping or rearrange it every time it falls down. Either way, that's not working for me. Plus whenever I adjusted the neck tube, my earbuds fell out. What a pain. I finally put my ipod in my pocket and ran without a soundtrack. That was okay but I didn't experience any type of bucolic epiphany after listening to the supposed sounds of nature, which basically consisted of the pounding blood between my ears, the huffing of my shortened breath and the snowy crunch of unshoveled sidewalks.

Looks like this Friday I'll shell out some more money for sportier headphones and a nose-and-mouth guard that actually stays in place. I'm still learning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Learning defined.