Yes, I have been exercising

Friday, February 16, 2007

all things must come to an end, even slacking

I have not been too fastidious with following my training plan this week. I have plenty of excuses, none of them excellent or meaningful. Sure, I had the great run last Saturday and the blustering trek on Tuesday and then I actually got up before work to run on Wednesday. Alas, that's about it. Shame. Shame.
Time to move forward.
Tomorrow's another chance to do the right thing.
I have my 5 miles out at Kensington at 8am. The weather is really heating up. I mean I'll probably need some sunblock with the feels like of 11 degrees. Yowza!
Then I'll motivate for 3 miles on Sunday and next week will start off wonderfully. It has to. I only have two full weeks before my Florida vacation. I must stay consistent with the schedule so I'm ready for it down there. Plus, I totally need to get the bikini boom boom body ready.
Bwah ha haaaa.....

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