Yes, I have been exercising

Saturday, February 28, 2009

More Benefits of Yoga

I'm not sure what was wrong with my stomach -- if I had a tiny bug or what. I had a fabulous run outside on Wednesday. Hopefully the cold, damp weather didn't make me sick! On Thursday, I did not feel well and so I skipped yoga in favor of lying horizontal on the couch for most of the evening. On Friday, my stomach still wasn't as settled as I would have liked but I figured I'd still try and make it to Bikram Yoga at 6:30. Jason was headed out of town this weekend and my plans for myself included exercising all three weekend days. I really didn't want an upset stomach to deter me. One positive aspect of this yoga is that it's really all about individual ability and performance. Sometimes you are going to give it your all to go deep in each pose; other times (like me on Friday), the triumph is in the fact that you show up. If anything, I felt that being in a room so hot and humid would help expunge some toxins from my body. After the 90 minutes was up, I felt satisfied that I handled it so well. I came home and immediately flew into the shower, a very hot shower. It was a low key Friday night and I'm hoping it carries over into a productive and healthy Saturday.

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