Yes, I have been exercising

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

An absolute must-read article!!

The author of this article decided to follow all the governmental guidelines for healthy living for one month. She would follow the standard advice on everything from stretching, getting enough calcium and flossing, to wearing sunscreen, eating green vegetables every day and getting enough sleep. This was a rigorous regimen that she undertook. She discusses how she felt each week, how she went from neurotic and tired to feeling terrific and energized. It was incredibly fascinating. So many ailments, ticks, twitches and sags we attribute to older age can really be attributed to not taking care of our body as best we should. (Although I will say genetics can play a strong role.) In the car one afternoon, I looked over my shoulder to change lanes, and my neck didn't hurt. What I'd thought was arthritis and something I had to accept as part of getting older had simply been unstretched muscles.

Click here for the full article.

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