Yes, I have been exercising

Monday, February 2, 2009

All the obstacles in our path.

Today it's Monday of a new week and I have not doen any vigorous exercise since last Wednesday. I had my braces put on last Thursday and then I was out of town over the weekend. I think the wildest extent of getting some form of exercise was a lackluster 10-minute walk one afternoon. Since my mouth doesn't hurt and the weekend's behind me, it's definitely to the point where I need to make some time to get to the gym. But then with being out of town, I haven't sat down to pay my first-of-the-month bills, do any laundry since last week, wash and clear my dishes out of the sink, make a grocery run, etc.

And now it's Tuesday. I won't be working out tonight since I am meeting a friend right after work and won't be home until after 9 p.m. Yesterday, I at least took care of all my hosue stuff so that come Wednesday, I'll have no excuse not to get to the gym. After dinner yesterday, I did walk downtown to the ATM instead of driving to one after work. Not exactly anything worthy, but again, some exercise is better than none.

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