Yes, I have been exercising

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Getting a plan together

In my ideal life, I would have time to workout seven days a week, well I think I'd be happy with six days. Rarely does that happen in real life though. It's a juggle trying to balance cardio (running), strength training (weights), and stretching (yoga). I wish I had time for each twice in one week. Usually what happens is I only can make one of those activities happen twice. For a spell there it was yoga. I loved that it was already paid for. I loved that I was getting in a routine with it since I had not gone for months until I bought my package. Then in the last week or two I managed to lift weights twice in a week and that felt great. Yoga makes me feel clean on the inside. It makes me feel loose and relaxed, but lifting weights makes me feel strong, solid, and toned. I feel healthy on the outside. Well in the midst of considering all of this, I looked at my calendar and realized I had only been running once per week. I'm gonna make a concerted effort to run twice a week. Sure, I could do more but I don't want to nix any of the other stuff. I do want to get a better foundation since I think I'll run a 4 mile St. Patrick's day race. The one I'm eyeing is about a month away. I missed the last race I was considering because I was out of town. I think I'm serious about this one. It will help me stay in on the weekends because I'll have a goal; therefore, I'll party less and spend less money. Can't ever argue with the sublime logic of that trade off.

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