Yes, I have been exercising

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Climbing the mountain

I have been on a triumphant kick with making exercise happen and putting forth a strenuous, focused effort. I worked out five days last week. I ran twice, lifted weights twice, and made it to yoga once. I feel extra proud that the reason I made exercise happen five days is due to the fact that I got to the gym on the weekends. That makes me feel so healthy rolling into the week. I was there Friday after work and Sunday afternoon. Now I feel more balanced when I take off a day during the week. It's very refreshing for me to come home after work and just decompress, sort through my mail, putz around, etc. When I'm always flying to the gym straight from work and not getting home until 7 (when I still need to shower and eat), I can feel very scattered. Which brings me to today. I'm taking the night off so that Jason and I can try and donate blood. The last two times we met with failure (the first time for low iron and the second for having been in tainted Mexico). I'm not optimistic that my iron will be high enough but as long as Jason can donate, I'll feel that I have done my positive deed for the day.


Ed said...

Why isn't your Iron high enough, or don't I want to know? Seriously, you female types have that vulnerability - low iron doesn't mix well with running! Go chew some steel!


Anonymous said...

WOW. I am impressed! And I haven't been to your blog in awhile - I like the calendar tracker