Yes, I have been exercising

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Overdoing it a little

After my run on Tuesday night, I did a measly two minutes of a legs dvd. I didn't think two minutes was anything egregiously vigorous but compounded with not really stretching and then the 5 miles I did on the trails at the park yesterday, my legs are battered. I mean all the way from my calves to my inner thighs and hamstrings. It's brutal. Standing up from my chair or lowering down for the bathroom is a serious chore.

Jason saw me groaning and wincing this morning and thinks I am foolish to try and run again today. He said I should rest for two days so that I can power out 7 miles on Saturday morning. I don't want to have two days off---but, at what expense? I don't want to aggravate anything worse and then just be incredibly miserable as I cramp up in the car for some 20+ hours either. I thought about maybe just walking at the gym? Or doing the elliptical? I even considered going to Bikram yoga tonight. The wringing out of my muscles could be refreshing; however, whenever I do go there it is always inevitably my hamstrings which are the sorest afterwards. So, maybe that wouldn't be a good idea. I'm torn. Literally.

Then my friend Emily wisely reminded me that stressed legs are a recipe for injury. I can't afford that. I think I will do some light walking today and stretch for a good long time. I'll take off tomorrow as usual. All this will be in hopes that I am primed and pumped for a 7 mile run on Saturday before I leave for Florida. That run is more important than the 4 miles I'll miss tonight.

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