Yes, I have been exercising

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

there are more accomplishments than the final race

My six mile run was yesterday and I decided to go to Kensington since it was a relatively nice day. It's refreshing to see lots of snow melting away. I ran the first 3.25 miles ,walked probably two tenths and then ran the rest of the way. I guess that's a total of about 5.8 running miles. Not too shabby. Although, there's a big difference between saying I ran 5.8 miles and having you all think my chest is puffed out and I'm one bad kitty. Not quite the case. It was a struggle on the second half. I was determined not to stop and I alternated with running backwards at times for some variety. I was singing songs to myself (like, Helen Reddy's I am Woman) and making up crazy nonsensical songs, like
one two three four
I am Alex, here me roar
five six seven eight
Don't you know my ass looks great.
Ha. Yes, it's totally ridiculous but I was trying to distract myself from the thoughts of wanting to walk the remainder of the way. Sometimes I think if 6 is this difficult, how will I ever do 13? Then I have to stop and tell myself that every day is an accomplishment that is slowly building to that finale. Afterall, now I can run 3 miles effortlessly on my easy days. There was a time when I would have thought that was impossible. Every day I'm chipping away just a little bit more towards the athlete I dream I can be.

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