Yes, I have been exercising

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Where should I be?

Well for my huge group of 5 readers, you probably know that I've been fearing a recurrence of the dreaded hip problem. Subsequently, I think that maybe I only ran once during the past week. Then I followed that up with some weights. I just get so nervous.

Over the weekend I was at my cottage up north. I decided to go for an easy run on Saturday afternoon. I didn't map out any route ahead of time. I didn't take a watch. My goal was to just have a relaxing run and see how my hip was feeling.

It was a very nice run. I didn't cross paths with any cars. I only came into contact with 3 people on ATVs. There were no stray dogs. I had fun taking different wooded paths to a dead end and then turning around to take the arm of a different path. By the time I had returned to my cottage, about an hour had passed. My guess is that I covered about 4.5 miles, but I really have no way to be certain of that. I followed up the run with more strength training.

On Monday I walked across the Mackinaw Bridge with my family and maybe about 40,000+ other people. That's a 5 mile span. Then I tacked on another mile or so on each side to cover how far we parked from the starting line. I'm sure we all walked at least 7 miles that day. The weather was heaven sent. We were truly blessed to have such a brilliant sun coupled with an easy breeze off the water.I did draw issue with my tennis shoes. I was not keeping a rigid fast pace. I was never running, so why the blisters and soreness? Man, I desperately need a new pair.

This re-cap brings me to today. It's Wednesday morning and I have ambitions of working 10 hours, going to the gym and then, after all that, driving out to Troy to pick up a bridesmaid dress. I'm not sure if I should try and run 5 miles, keep to a tolerable 4? or longer? It's hard to say. And my week is so busy (with already getting up at 5) that I don't even know when I will get in another chance. I looked at the calendar and I only have about 6 weeks until the Marathon. Will I really be up to running for two+ hours at a time?

So much to think about. I'm very tired from not sleeping well. But if I pound too much coffee today then I'm just dehydrating myself for the later run. I really have too many things on my brain. Perhaps the run will be the cathartic outlet I need? Sometimes, I just don't know.

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