Yes, I have been exercising

Friday, September 28, 2007

Longer and taller

Yesterday my goals were to run to my gym, workout with weights and then get a ride back home. Well the run was fairly miserable. I've walked it and biked it before and I don't know why I figured that running it would improve anything. It's a bad route for a pedestrian. Then for some unknown and unexpected reason my stomach was hurting me so much. I think my 5 mile running goal was maybe 3.5 or 4 in reality. Although I had a grand time getting in a full circuit of weights. My abs are sore today. My arms and back are tight. I feel stronger and taller.

I really didn't want to beat myself up too much about that run bc I have the ten-mile beast awaiting me on Sunday. I am forcing myself to be optimistic about this. That's the only way, I'll walk out alive.

Think positive thoughts for me!

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