Yes, I have been exercising

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Goal Accomplished: 6 miles on the trails!

Isn't this one exuberant little fella? Doesn't his perkiness just jump off the page? I found this picture on the internet and had to insert it into this post. The reason is because when I finished my run and (amazingly enough) even during my run this is how I felt. I'm sure I didn't look so luscious or smell so fragrant, but I was pleased with myself.

I think about the kind of people I admire. They are the ones who throw their bikes in the back of their car and head out "for the trails." The people who go kayaking on a Sunday afternoon. The ones who are thrilled by setting up a tent during the summer. We all have different ideas of "cool." I want to be someone who has a crazy day and goes running outside for the thrill of it---the sweet earthy cathartic release of energy. That was a goal for me.

Well yesterday I did it! I was determined to work my long day, guzzle copious amounts of water, eat well and psyche myself up. I went to Island Lake Recreation Area and ran on the yellow-marked 6 mile trail. It was incredibly challenging. It was 80 degrees yesterday. The mosquitoes were out. The downhills were steep. The uphills were steeper and the whole path was littered with ruts and roots and rocks and stumps. Did I mention the hills? It was brutal and i was gasping for breath but I was so happy with myself.

Around one curve, the route opened up to a large meadow on my right and I thought to myself that I wasn't dreaming. That I was really doing this. I didn't let my schedule, timing, the weather or other people become my excuses for backing out. I ran sans i-pod to be more cognizant of my surroundings. I felt this organic connection to the earth and the ground. I was so glad to have escaped the smog and congestions and sounds of car horns. I didn't worry about sidewalks dead-ending unexpectedly. Luckily, I mostly had the trail to myself and I relished in the experience.

The thought that really captured my attention was this exciting belief in myself that I could see an accomplishment through and be a better person for it. My heart burst a little bit for the experience. So whether you're toiling away with papers to finish a degree, playing the same chords to master a song, mustering the courage to quit smoking, or pushing yourself out of bed when you don't feel like it...every little step puts you one giant bit closer to seeing something through. Continuous improvement---it truly is a beautiful thing!

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