Yes, I have been exercising

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Taking advantage of free time

Warm-up: 13 minutes, stationary bike

Run: 3.5 miles in about 41 minutes
(Hey---getting to the gym 2 out of 3 days is grrrreat.)

Stretch: about 20 minutes

Abs: 150 sit-ups (many variations)

Upper body:
bicep curls (2 x 8 w/10lbs)
diagonal tricep raises (2 x 12 w/8lbs)
chest lifts (2x 8 w/10lbs on giant blue ball)
shoulder press (2x 8 w/10lbs on giant blue ball)
reverse fly (1 x 12 w/8lbs on giant blue ball)

Lower body:
squats on smith machine (3 x 12 w/ 25lbs)
adductor (1 x12 w/60 lbs?)
leg press, single legs (2 x 12 w/75lbs)
balancing exercises, each leg (1 X 12)

My philosophy when it comes to working out is pretty simple. There will be days when you don't feel like it and days when you don't have time; therefore, when you do have the time and you at least sort of feel like, get your ass moving. Granted, I don't always follow my own advice. It does make sense though. Some days you have no plans but you opt out of a workout to watch tv and "take the day off" but then when you are psyched for a workout, something inevitably comes up and you wish you would have taken advantage of the day where you had the free time. That's how last night was for me.

I knew I would be busy on Wednesday and even though the plan fell together sort of late in the evening on Tuesday, it just felt right to go with it. I felt pretty good. I had ate well all day. I was pumped to have that much time available for a longer workout. I didn't expect that would come along so soon after Sunday's vigorous workout. Plus, I had recently updated my work that booty playlist with some new jams. That's always a fun motivator. Nothing like hearing the same tired songs to think about how tired you feel. I'm gonna see about making an imix and posting it to my page just to let you know what works for me.

That's it for now. Carry on.

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