Yes, I have been exercising

Monday, January 12, 2009

A productive weekend

Quote of the Week: If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. ~Barack Obama

I found lots of time to workout this weekend. I went running at the gym after work. Pretty soon I will have more daylight to make me feel safer about running outside after work. I did even get a headlamp as a Christmas present that should help too. Until then, when it's too dark, I'm running on the treadmill at Planet Fitness. (Don't knock the treadmill. It's better than not running at all!) My goal is to run a 5K a bit faster. I thought in order to work toward that goal, I'd have one day of running per week where I play with intervals of a quicker pace. My first effort went well.

On Saturday I was at the 10 a.m. Bikram yoga class. What an energetic way to start the day. It's hard on the body to go earlier in the day. If I know I'm going after work, I make a point to drink lots of water during the day. It really helps to lubricate the inner body systems. When I make it to class after only being awake for an hour or so, I'm already working against a water deficit. Oh well. I survived.

Then on Sunday I did lots of little exercises with weights at home. I experimented with some routines online. It wasn't the most deep and vigorous bout with lifting weights, but I was active amd felt good about that.

All in all, I am very satisfied with this weekend's fitness.

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