Anyways, I was in the kitchen at work when I first goto to the office and another co-worker happened to put her hand briefly on my shoulder as we were talking about the weather. (What else do coworkers discuss with enthusiasm?) After that brief exchange she showed up at my desk to tell me that she could feel how strong my arm was just with that quick grazing of her hand. I was thrilled! She asked me if I worked out to get like that. I mean she called me strong! Hallelujah! I quickly fired off an email to say how her words made my day so bright. Then she sent me this long reply about how I am an inspiration to her. And she was serious. She said that I look amazing. That was the most unexpected thoughtful precious moment of my recent days. It is very reassuring to have those reminders that there is a reason to stay on track and try to be healthy when you can. Sure I love my hash browns smothered in cheese and eggs and avocados or nachos towering with cheese but that's why I get up early and drag my tired buns in for some exercise.
1 comment:
I gotta fit in time for the bally version!
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