Yes, I have been exercising

Monday, March 31, 2008

Increasingly frustrated

As I write this, my 10K is 5 days away and I feel woefully unprepared. I realize it's only 6.2 miles and not some ridiculous 13 or 26. I realize I was more than capable of running 5 and 5.5 miles a few weeks ago. The huge bummer is that I still just don't feel well enough to be running. Yesterday, I saw a woman stretching in her running outfit and getting ready to start out for a jog and the inside of my stomach felt nauseous just thinking about it. This is not a typical reaction. I don't know what to do. I've been sleeping a lot and pounding the fluids and being as healthy as I otherwise can. I feel okay mentally. I'm well enough to come into work. But I have not run in two weeks!! And it's not some psychological thing.

Right now I've got some weird chest congestion where coughing ravages my throat and sounds horrible. Plus I've got some sort of sinuses or head cold and can barely breathe. I thought about going to the treadmill at the gym to maybe sweat out some toxins but I don't think it'd be very gracious of me to be coughing all over the machines. And since I haven't felt all that wonderful, I've been eating less than normal. I just don't feel that I have that inner fuel (and fire) to go prancing along for 30 minutes, let alone an hour or more. I get that more beastly runners have no problem logging 10 miles on a hangover with diarrhea while stopping to puke every 2 miles. I'm just not that masochistic, I guess.

I'm getting so upset about this. Before this cold or congestion (or whatever it is) I though I had some minor flu that was hurtling through my office. That lasted a few days. I think I was better for about one day and then *bam* now this.

I just don't want to go to the race and WALK like I freakin' did for most of that half marathon. No. This was my moment to put that behind me and surge through a race feeling healthy, upbeat and injury-free. I guess I'll continue to take my cold pills every 4 hours or so and hope that something turns around very very soon!!


MH said...

oh! Go to the doctor NOW. Maybe you can get some drugs to help you heal quicker. I'm thinking good thoughts for you! I hope you're all better and can do the whole things. I hate these setbacks for you!

Ed said...

That picture is GREAT!