Yes, I have been exercising

Friday, March 28, 2008

*Big news*

I'll be the new editor-in-chief of Her Active Life since Katie, the current editor, had to step down. That wonderful lady is incredibly busy and moving on to grad school. I wish her my best!

The other awesome news is that Grand Traverse Woman magazine wants me to do an article on moms who run. I emailed them a submission inquiry since I have an article basically finished about the 2007 Bayshore races. However, I'll have to do some tweaking to slant it towards the mom perspective.

Guess I'll be staying in most of the weekend, which isn't a problem since I'm not feeling too spritely. Seems everyone is sick right now :(

If you know any moms who've run the Bayshore (any distance) help me get in contact with them!

1 comment:

L*I*S*A said...

I haven't run the Bayshore yet, but I'm signed up to run it this year! I sent you an email. :)
