Yes, I have been exercising

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sick and tired...No, really.

I think my zest for working a bunch of crazy hours to gain that overtime and my zest to keep getting to the gym to train combined with some virus in the air to leave me rather sick this past week. I only managed one run last week, at least it was a great run. Then I missed one day of work and left early another day. I was feeling nauseous and experiencing flu-like body aches. My appetite was nonexistent. It was hard on the psyche to miss some workouts but sometimes your body just forces you to take a break. That's what I did. I got some rest. I visited with my family to bond and relax. I had a wonderful weekend. Now I'm giving myself one more day to recuperate. I'm power dosing on fruits and veggies and soup. I'm going to go for a walk to absorb lots of scintillating vitamin D and get my body in motion. Then the plan is to try another run on Tuesday. My race is less than 2 weeks away. I'm sure I'll do fine. The question becomes: can I do great?

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