After running my 8 miles on Thursday I thought I felt a somewhat subtle tweaking of my hip flexor tendon. Now, I realize I can be hypersensitive to that area, but I was kind of apprehensive about going for another run. Since the 8 miles was considered my long run I figured that on Saturday, I would stick with a simple 4 miles and then also do some weights. I think I have slightly neglected my PT routine and that is bad bad bad of me.
Well my legs were quite sore after the 8 miles. Sore from my calves to my quads back to my hamstrings and throughout my butt. On Saturday I took a fairly slow pace for the 4 miles. I did a satisfying circuit on the weights. That wasn't the end of exercise for that day though. I was visiting my parents in Grand Rapids and we decided to drive out to Lake Michigan. We ended up at Rosey Mound, which is a great beach spot. However, one must walk quite a long ways and up and down a lot of stairs to get there. Suffice to say, my legs had a vigorous workout in these 48 hours.
Now this tendon is slightly tweaking and I really can't tell if it's the fact that a lot of my leg muscles are sore or if it's the dreaded tendonitis flaring up again. Please *hope* that it is not. That being the case, I am going to take it easy for a few days. Maybe I will get in a yoga class. We'll see. At $15 a session, it's not the most affordable class. Anyways, my goal is to run 9 miles this coming Saturday and I would like to do that on fresh legs.
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