Yes, I have been exercising

Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm still standing

I figured that since I was still alive and able-bodied after the 7 miles at Maybury, I might as well squeeze another run in. I did my usual 3-mile route around my neighborhood at about 615pm. Wow. It was still hot and still very humid outside. Maybe I was tired from the previous night as well. Those 3 miles felt harder than they usually are. Oh well, I did it.

This weekend I will be in Chicago. I'll take my run along the famous Lakeshore Drive. I'm pretty excited about this. I'll be with my sister. The temps are dropping. And some new scenery as well. Whenever I drive into Chicago I always notice all the action along that road: bikers, roller bladers, dog walkers. In my head I always give 'em the thumbs up sign. Now, it's my turn!

1 comment:

MH said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your run in Chicago - see we have green space, lakes, and places to run that aren't alongside skyscrapers in chicago!