Yes, I have been exercising

Monday, July 2, 2007

4 MILES!!!

This weekend Jason and I drove to his cottage at Canadian Lakes where his mom currently lives. This was my first trip there during the full flush of summer and it was beautiful. Their house is right on the lake. What a great view for your morning coffee!

I am trying to slowly increase the length of my running distances. Since I miraculously pulled off 3 miles twice the previous weekend, it was only time to try for 4. Since I'm not familiar with the area, I wondered how I'd map out the distance to be sure. Jason and I drove around trying to measure different routes. It turns out the castle at Canadian Lakes was just about 4 miles from their cottage. Perfect. I wouldn't have to worry about a 2-mile out-and-back route with the same old scenery. Jason dropped me off and it was up to me to run back. What a lovely route. I came across two silent deer. I was flooded with the sights and sounds of life on the lake. My workout play list was revamped to include "Sea lion woman" and "You shook me all night long." Seems like everything was right in the universe and I pulled off the 4 miles successfully!

The rest of the weekend included good food, a visit with my brother, chillin' on the pontoon, cold beers under a temperamental sun, frisbee, swimming and numerous laughs. Quite a weekend. Enter July!

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