Yes, I have been exercising

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy birthday to me!

I woke up early to start the day with a bang at the gym. Jason was taking Quixote to dog care so I didn't have to worry about reserving 30 minutes of my morning for his walk. Therefore I stayed at the gym for about 90 minutes, of which I ran for a half-hour. That was great for my self-confidence and it was incredibly reassuring to know that run with Ed hadn't damaged my knees irreparably. After that I alternated ab work, weights, lunges, exercises with the ball, alternating jumping lunges, etc. I put forth a hearty effort. I felt I had to. I know people assume I'm this freaky eater who never eats crap but let me put that myth to rest.

Over the course of the weekend I ate an entire Hershey bar and three no bake cookies that each had 9 grams of fat. Also, throw in homemade French toast with cinnamon swirl bread from Good Harvest. Don't forget the pizza on Friday night. After that sugar onslaught, a caramel apple pie appeared in the kitchen at my office on Monday. I only had a sliver of a slice but I'm sure it wasn't on any healthy top 10 list. So, blah blah, there you have it. I'm not perfect with eating like a health nut every day. Hence, my appearance at the gym in the wee hours of my birthday.

Tonight looks like dinner at PF Changs and yes I've already looked at the menu and the nutrition profile online. That place is out of control. Do you know there are some dishes that are considered to be three or four or SIX servings on one plate?? I will definitely be gorging on Buddha's Feast. It's my birthday and I can eat like a nerd if I want to!

1 comment:

Ed said...

You ate an ENTIRE candy bar? Over the weekend? I usually split it up over at least 2 months; you're going to blimp out!!!!! I'll bet your up to nearly 75 pounds already!!!


Happy Birthday!!!!!