Yes, I have been exercising

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hot Streak Continues

I feel wonderful about how I've been waking up early for workouts and even making time for them on the weekends. It's like going from seeing a therapist once a month to a more consistent basis and you feel like you really start making progress. My idea of joining bootcamp for a month in the hopes of carrying the early morning workouts on has turned out well. It's sweet relief to be sitting at my desk and know I'm done for the day. I can go home after work and do whatever I want. I've been alternating between some DVDs I rented from the library and going to the gym. I actually ran twice on the treadmill last week and felt energized after. I leave for my Colorado vacation in two days, so I'll accomplish what I can beforehand and then tell myself I don't have to give a hoot about exercising for nearly a week. Cheers!

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