Yes, I have been exercising

Friday, August 14, 2009

America dies on Dunkin: The controversy

I'm sure it's no surprise to my four readers that I think this doctor lost his job in a most unfair and egregious way. He's just pointing out the truth.

By Jacob Goldstein
Here’s a job-security tip: If you work for the county, and a county commissioner owns a doughnut store, you should think twice before you run public messages such as “Donuts = Diabetes” and “America Dies on Dunkin.”
We point this out because Jason Newsom, a public health doc in Bay County, Florida, was sacked after running these and other messages on an electronic sign outside the health department where he worked. Here’s the story from the Associated Press.
“I think he was somewhat of a zealot,” the county commissioner with the doughnut shop told the AP. “I don’t have a problem with him pushing an agenda, it’s the way he did it. People borrowed money to go into business and they are being attacked by the government.” In addition to the opposition from the county commissioner, two lawyers who own a Dunkin’ Donuts store had threatened to sue, Newsom says.
Doughnuts were not the sole target of Newsom’s campaign. Other messages included “Hamburger = Spare Tire” and “French Fries = Thunder Thighs.”
“I have never been known for my subtlety,” Newsom told the AP.
“Dunkin’ Donuts is pleased that the signs have been removed,” a spokesman for the company wrote in an email.
As of 2007, 39 percent of all adults in Bay County were overweight one in four was obese, the AP notes.

1 comment:

Ed said...

French Fries = Thunder Thighs? Thats' funny!

You're 5th reader,
