Yes, I have been exercising

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It only took two months!

I'm trying to hop back in the saddle even if my legs feel sort of rusty. I made it to a Bikram yoga class on Tuesday night for the first time since before we brought Quixote home. I think that takes me back to May. At the center, they told me my pass for 30 classes had expired and there were eight unused classes. Trying to entice me into more yoga, they said if I bought a new package, they would tack on those eight expired classes. So I bought a 15-class package for $175 and it expires in six months. Looks like I'll have to force myself into attending at least once a week into January to get my full money's worth. Don't think I'm just throwing my money around. I still have my 2009 athletic reimbursement to use up at my work. They'll pay for half that package and for half my gym membership fees for the year.
So, yeah, I am trying to make fitness a priority once again. Jason and I have been diligent about taking Quixote for daily walks, usually more than one a day. But at the rate we go, it's slow travel and it barely qualifies as an activity that raises your heart rate. He sniffs, we correct. He refuses to budge, we pull out the treats. At four months old, I'm not expecting him to be a perfect marathon companion on a leash, but we have to put in the work now, if we hope he'll be a great leash-walker in the future. I can't wait until the first day that he runs three miles by my side. That will be super exciting!

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