Yes, I have been exercising

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cardio blast

I am thrilled that Quixote and I have been walking so much lately. I love walking. Sure, I might not consider it "exercise," in terms of a swelling heart rate, sweat dripping down my neck and huffing for breath. There does come a point though when duration trumps level of exertion. At that point, it's really exercise. On Saturday morning we took a new route all through parts of Northville that we had never seen before and we ended up walking for an hour and 40 minutes. On Sunday I took him for another hourlong walk. On Monday Jason and I both walked with him for more than two hours! We left the house in the daylight a little after 7:00 p.m. and it was night when we returned, complete with the crescent moon hovering above the line of the horizon. Then to top it all off, I hit the gym before work this morning and ran for 35 minutes straight. I've been slacking with running lately so it was a good boost to my self-esteem to just push myself and listen to some tunes. Here's a video for you, Ed. I couldn't find a decent video so this will have to do.

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