Yes, I have been exercising

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I love taking time off!

Jason and I returned from Florida around 1 a.m. on Wednesday morning. Even though the weather was wacky, we had a fabulous time frolicking in the sun, diving in the salt water waves, sipping Pacifico while staring at sandy beaches, drinking coffee with his mom on her lanai, gulping down burritos from our favorite, hippy, boardwalk restaurant, and cruising around the southwest landscape of Florida in the convertible Mustang that his Mom had rented for us. I'm exhausted now. There was no catching up on sleep while bits of sun were to be snatched here and there, gambling boat cruises were boarding, and our vacation days were finite.

I made a promise to myself before leaving that while I was there I wouldn't care about calories in my food, the number of beers that I enjoyed, the price of treats, or if I got a piddly, paltry amount of exercise. This was a vacation that I intended to enjoy to the fullest, and enjoy, I did.

But now we are back to Michigan. Back to covering up my newly-tanned legs with work pants. Back to office shoes while my oh-so-comfortable flip-flops pout at me from the corner of my closet. Back to drinking beer on the weekends while staring at parking lots. Back to watching the Southeast Michigan weather forecast and feeling nonplussed. Back to thinking it's time to clean the bathroom. Again.

But such is life. If I didn't have this job, I couldn't afford any vacations or new beach skirts. And at least I was lucky enough to have the paid-time off so that I could get away. And if I didn't stay committed to working out most of the time, I wouldn't feel as confident about myself in a scantily clad beach town. So, it goes. I'll be heading to yoga tonight. I will try to look forward to the intense heat and globs of sweat pouring off my skin. Maybe I will be reminded of the salty sweat and penetrating humidity of Fort Myers. So, it goes.

Here's my new favorite song to leave you with a summer skip in your step. FYI: It's not a video that I made. Enjoy!

1 comment:

MH said...

sounds so perfect! lucky you - I'm so glad you loved it all.