Yes, I have been exercising

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I finally signed up for a race.

The last race I ran was in December. The distance was the standard 5K (3.2 miles). I have done a few of those races and had been keeping my eyes open for a race of a different length. I found one in Detroit, to celebrate St. Patrick's day! And the best part – the weather looks to be sublime. I'll admit that I was a wuss and refused to sign up if the day looked to be crappy. However, I got very lucky. The forecast says it might make 50 degrees and there should be lots of clear skies with sun, and no rain! I consider those conditions to be perfect. Supposedly, a lot of jolly people show up for this race sporting funky costumes and a whole spectrum of green, emerald, sea green, olive, etc. clothing. I plan to wear my running skirt, some colorful green socks and a green shirt. I thought about wearing my green wig but with sweat pouring into it---eh, not a great idea if I ever plan to wear it again. I'm also excited that the race is at noon on Sunday. Guess the runners get that rare late start because we precede the traditional parade in Detroit's Corktown area. Seems like it should be a good time. I even heard they have beer at the finish line.

I feel confident and excited about this event. I'm curious to try and run a route that's farther than a 5K, but not as agonizing as a half marathon — been there, done that and probably won't do it again. I'm intrigued about the celebratory St. Patrick's festivities in the area. Should be a good day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats so great! I loved the st.pat's 5k I did in Chicago. It was freezing, but people were decked out and having a blast. You even got a free ticket for a pint of guinness for running, now that's schwag I like.

Good Luck!