Yes, I have been exercising

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Love my gym.

I have been a member of Planet Fitness for about 10 months now. I love my gym. At a monthly cost of $10 (with a $20 annual fee), the price is beyond compare. How many people find these kinds of deals on gym memberships? Hardly anyone! So because I am such a frugal nut, the price is what immediately attracted me. As far as I was concerned, they could have 4 treadmills and awful hours and I still would have been hooked. However, they have three rooms of treadmills, stair masters, ellipticals and bikes. They also have four separate areas for different weight equipment: the free weights, the 30-second routine, weight machines with adjustable plates, and weight machines that are resistance based. You can definitely find something that suits your personal tastes when you are given these kinds of choices.

Another interesting feature is their motto: the judgement free zone. From their website: "We discourage weight dropping and obnoxious grunting so you can focus on your own workout and not the person next to you." This is the non-intimidating atmosphere that makes people feel comfortable. Sure, there are some burly lads in the free weight area chest pressing the bar with car tire-size plates on each end, but it's not like you're at a Gold's Gym or a Powerhouse Gym. Those places are notorious for meathhead conventions. On the reverse side, this isn't Curves either. There truly are all types of people here. Male high schoolers breezing along at 8.0 on the treadmill. Moms in sweatpants carrying their bright pink water bottles. Dads with cassette players and bright white shoes. Your usual smattering of women with too much make-up. Overweight. Thin. Old. Really old. Pregnant. Diversity is in abundance!

Yesterday I made it to the gym for a run (*finally*). I walked for a 15 minute warm-up and ran 2.5 miles in an unhurried 30 minutes. I think I coughed enough to slightly disturb some people around me, but my lungs didn't end up on the treadmill's dashboard. I have no idea what asthma feels like, but if it's anything close to the restricted feeling of not being able to take a full, deep breath---yikes. I have new sympathy.

Well the clubs are opening at increasingly fast paces. Franchises are exploding. If you're lucky enough to find a PF new you, by all means sign yourself up!


Ed said...

Thats a really good price. A place in Northville I think called "Water Wheel" has the same thing going too, $20 to sign on, $12 / month or something like that. Good deal....

Alexandra said...

Planet Fitness is the water wheel.

Ed said...

Dope! (Say in heavy Homer Simpson Accent!)