In case you haven't realized it from my other posts, I'm a big fan of the website mapmyrun. I think it's a darn handy tool. Yeah it does have its drawbacks but the ability to measure distance so easily is pretty great. You can map out routes for biking and galloping and whatever mode of getting around you want.
Today I wanted to check out the route I do on my usual 20-minute work break. That is the official amount of time that we are allotted, twice a day for an 8hr day.
I logged in and set my starting point as the address of my building in Ann Arbor, MI. I clicked along the streets and realized that my usual pace takes me 1.2 miles. That's not too bad if I'm trying to build some extra fitness into my day. Of course, my inner Type A personality wondered if I could push that farther. Could I work up to 1.5 miles in one break, thereby covering an extra 3 miles a day over two break periods? That would be awesome. Well I tweaked my route a tiny bit online and found a route that is 1.4 miles long. I figured that would be a decent starting point, but I had to see how long it would take me in real life.
After finishing my lunch, I loped outta here. My phone said 2:57 as the door clicked behind me. I was pushing a good pace and eventually my stomach cramped up. I had to pause twice to re-tie my shoelaces. By time time I returned, 22 minutes had passed. Not too bad, but I was walking fast enough to break a mild sweat. I don't think I'd like to be doing this in July. I'd need a shower upon each return back to my desk!
Anyways, it's a fun tool to play with. It's nice to have a device that can measure the progress you've made and continue to make.
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