Yes, I have been exercising

Monday, June 4, 2007

Prayin' that my feet don't fail me now.

I attempted to go for a run on Saturday and within the first 20 steps, I could tell that my back would not cooperate.
How severely frustrating.
I know the pain well. It's the same pain that I used to get before I realized one leg was millimeters longer than the other. A doctor at U of M's spine clinic fitted me with these $6 foam heel pads and ever since, I've been fine. I just need to get new ones every so often. I am prayin' that my back hurt because it was a sign my lift is worn out. Hopefully, a new lift will put me back on track. It's always something, isn't it?

So anyways, I'll continue doing what I have been doing. Plugging along. Readjusting my expectations. Healing myself. Figuring out new strategies. Taking it one day, one step, at a time.

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