Yes, I have been exercising

Thursday, April 9, 2009

High Intensity Training

In my last post, I wrote that I was ready to start pushing myself hard again. As the subtitle of this blog states: Some exercise is better than none, and more is better than some. For the past few weeks, I had been operating in the "some is better than none" zone. I was hardly exerting a robust effort, but life was a bit hectic and I was glad to even make it to the gym. Any one who knows me knows that half-assing it while I'm there isn't something I'm comfortable sticking with for very long. Although, maybe "half-assing" it isn't exactly the best term. (Actually, it's an odd term if you think about it for too long.) I realize many people loathe working out and, for them, if they can muster the fortitude to even get to the gym, even stay there for 30 minutes, or even walk a brisk 4.0 on the treadmill, then that's their gold star for the day. I think that is laudable.

For me though, it's different. I yearn to sweat profusely. When I'm at yoga, I dare my body to be pushed to its edge. When I'm lifting weights, I want to be assured that my blowdryer will seem too heavy to lift once I've showered and begun to attack my hairstyle. Operating in that realm of mind over body is something I relish. I am inspired when I think of Thomas Edison's quote and applying it to myself. "If we did all the things we were capable of doing, We would literally astound ourselves." What are my limits? If I can do bicep curls with 10lb. weights, can I lift 12 or 15lbs? If I can run quick intervals at 6.0 on the treadmill, am I capable of holding that pace for a full mile? One day will I be able to do a worthy, deep half-moon pose if I keep stretching and pushing my body through space?

I like to ponder the possibilities. Some days I wonder if I'm a control freak and maybe I'm zealous with working out since I believe (sometimes falsely so) that if I am stringent enough, I can completely control the shape of the skin I'm in. Other times, I think maybe I sell myself short when really I am ambitious and goal-oriented. I always want to see what's beyond the next plateau, the next mountain range.

Today I stand at the precipice of a cliff. Each day is a new dawn with the promise of fulfilling a greater potential. Maybe yesterday wasn't my best effort, but only I can drive myself to determining my effort for the next challenge. With that mindset, I spent 60 minutes on sweat and blood-pumping cardio last night. I'm sure it's the most I've perspired while at Planet Fitness. I was soaked, but (yes, Ed) I was listening to some good country and techno music, I felt the fibers of my being working smoothly and efficiently. It's probably trite to say but I felt alive, awake, and proud of myself. When others caved, I persevered. Yes, it was that stimulating of a workout.

1 comment:

Ed said...

Doing all that WHILE listening to Country music is most impressive indeed! :)