Yes, I have been exercising

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Every day is a winding road.

My usual routine was thrown wildly off kilter with some big life changes in the past couple of weeks. I bought a new car (which meant a lot of time spent at dealerships) and I moved in with my boyfriend to a new (rental) house in Northville. I also spent a night or two cleaning the old places to reclaim as much of our security deposits as possible. And a few evening I have had the itch to go out and shop for new stuff or spend time unpacking or organizing, thereby omitting gym time from my day.

But I am determined to get back on track. It helps that my yoga package still has a bunch of classes remaining. And, the best part is that I am within a five-minute walking distance to my gym! I love that I now have no need for a gym bag. I can come home and change and then walk there.

Another reason to force myself back to my old ways is that Jason and I *finally* booked a flight to Florida for May. It's just a quick jaunt but it's an exciting one with palm trees and bikinis nonetheless!! Nothing like the motivator of translucent, Midwest skin being exposed to the blazing sun to keep my goals in check!
I am on pace for a good week so far. On Monday I exerted myself with 45 minutes of cardio and a slew of upper body weights. I hit up a Bikram class last night. Today I plan to just rock out another 60 minutes of cardio. I'm thinking maybe I'll run a bit and maybe I'll throw in the elliptical and the bike to challenge up my system with variation. It's time to jumpstart the healthy living. It's spring!

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