Yes, I have been exercising

Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend fitness

Anyone who even occasionally reads my blog knows that I am a huge fan of Tamilee Webb's I Want That Body dvd series. In fact, I wrote a review that waxed enthusiastic about it for Her Active Life. Check it out here. Basically, I love it for its simplicity. It's broken down into three segments: abs, arms and buns---that pretty much covers the entire body. Each body part comes with a choice of Chapter 1 of 2, depending on how advanced you feel. Each chapter is only 15 minutes long. Seems short but it packs a strong punch!

I feel that I have mastered the abs and arms segments but always the buns portion was the most challenging for me. I have never had 15 minutes feel like such an eternity's length of time. And her sumo squats---yow! This weekend I threw the dvd in and I, once again, felt the powerful results of Body Pump. I actually made it through the entire 15 minutes without stopping to breath, stretch or just rub my legs in agony. And two days later my thighs are still burning. That is what I call a proud success.

After that 15 minutes segment, I pushed myself through my own version of upper body weights and abs. I'm still on a roll with the 100 a day until Reggae Fest. I did them for five days in a row last week and only skipped Sunday. I figure my gut needs a day off if the muscle fibers hope to heal and grow stronger.

Keep on keepin' on!

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