It's a new year and a time for the resolution makers to start sweating off the pounds. My 6:30 p.m. yoga class was as full as I had ever seen it. I don't think one more tiny supermodel could have fit into the room. Take the usual room temperature of 105 degrees and combine that with the extra body heat and it had to be over 110 degrees in that room. It was brutal. Althought I do agree with the philosophy that the heat limbers you up. I was stretching deeper by the end of class than I normally do. I have to say my self esteem seems to rise in direct proportion to how much or little I am exercising. Two days in a row and I feel bootylicious!
1 comment:
I love Bikrum (spelling?) Yoga. I feel so great after that i get out of the class. i do have to agree with you with the classes being so full i went on saturday at 4 and the class was packed i don't think that anymore people could have fit in the class.
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