Yes, I have been exercising

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The frustration of waiting

Bear with me. As I write this post I am feeling slightly dejected. This is a result of what I found out during my appointment yesterday afternoon with the U of M Sports Medicine clinic. The doc asked me the usual litany of questions, manipulated my knee into odd angles, pressed on my hip bones and set me up for about 5 X-rays. She suspects a stress fracture possibly in the hip bones (since that's where the pain initially began) or maybe in my right femur. Apparently X-rays don't usually show this sort of thing and mine did not. Then I went in this morning for an MRI of my hip area. I will know the results of that when I meet again with the doctor next Monday afternoon.

As you may have guessed she advised me not to run. She thinks that I could feel I am getting better but if it really is a stress fracture and I do run, I could set myself up for some serious pain and a possible hip replacement. No thank you!

I am frustrated, annoyed, upset, depressed and flustered. I know it is not THAT bad. I know I have two legs. I am not paralyzed. People have setbacks. I am aware of ALL of this. However, it's incredibly frustrating to think I might not be able to run that race. I have put a lot of effort into training and fund raising. I've given up a lot of time. I've even enjoyed it. I loved thinking of myself and someone who can run 25 miles a week.

Now what? I become a couch potato like everyone else? I have no idea how people can sit on their butt at work all day and then go home and sit in front of the tv. I'm so restless.

So, I am trying not to envision the most bleak scenario just yet. Next week Monday I will know more of where I am going from here.

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