Yes, I have been exercising

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Everything's coming together

Jason and I finally found a house! There are some bureaucratic hoops to jump through and tons of paperwork to fill out, but we're on track to close with this one. This is a huge relief. Not only does it answer some "rest of my life" questions but it frees up time!! We have spent so much time driving by houses, walking through them, on the phone with our realtor, looking at places online, yadda yadda and (unfortunately) working out really took a back seat to this priority. If it weren't for Quixote, I don't know how much exercise I'd be accomplishing at all!

I also realized that I have been avoiding the gym because it's too "crowded" with all the new year's eve resolution bandits. Well, I have seen the light! And the light has shown me I am just manufacturing excuses. If a person was 200 lbs. overweight and avoided the gym because "Oye, oye, it's too crowded." I'd think to myself that the person was just being lazy. So, I can face the mirror on this one.

Therefore, I am going to the gym tonight. I don't care how long I stay or what I do, but I am going there!